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281.Which bone is called beauty bone in women
A.     sternum
B.     clavicle
C.    maxilla
D.    radius

282.Detachment of myosin head and actin in rigor mortis occurs due to
A.     stored ATP in body
B.     hypercalcemia
C.    autolysis in body
D.    hyperactivity of mitochondria

283.Release of the ovum from ovary is called
A.     fertilization
B.     ovulation
C.    implantation
D.    none of these

284.The foetus is protected from the mechanical damage by the
A.     cervix
B.     vagina
C.    uterus
D.    amniotic fluid

285.Rich source of energy in seimen is
A.     glucose
B.     fructose
C.    lactose
D.    sacrose

286.Sickle cell anemia was discovered by
A.     Vernon Ingram
B.     Sanger
C.    Miescher
D.    none of these

287.Earthworm lives in
A.     sea water
B.     moist soil
C.    fresh water
D.    none of these

288.Kangaroo has an abdominal pouch known as
A.     placenta
B.     guttural pouch
C.    marsupial
D.    all of these

289.The utilization of the products of digestion is called
A.     ingestion
B.     absorption
C.    assimilation
D.    both a and b

290.Parabronchi are present in
A.     cockroach
B.     frog
C.    fish
D.    birds

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