Lok Sabha
·         Maximum strength-550+2 nominated members. [530-States/20- Union Territories]

·         Present strength of Lok Sabha-545.

·         The Eighty Fourth Amendment 2001, extended freeze on Lok Sabha and state Assembly seats till 2026.

·         The normal tenure of the Lok Sabha is five years, but it may be dissolved earlier by the President. The life of the Lok sabha can be extended by the President beyond the five year term. When a proclamation of emergency under article 352 is in force. But the parliament cannot extend the normal life of Lok Sabha for more than one year at a time (no limit on the number of times in the Constitution).

·         The candidate must be:

(a) Citizen of India. (b) At least 25 years of age.

(c) Mustn’t hold any office of profit. (d) No unsound mind/insolvent.

(e) Has registered as voter in any Parliamentary constituency.

·         Oath of MPs is conducted by the Speaker. Can resign, by writing to speaker.

·         President officer is Speaker( In his absence Deputy speaker). The members among themselves elect him.

·         The Speaker continues in the office even after the dissolution of the Lok Sabha till a newly elected Lok Sabha meets.

·         Usually the Speaker, after his election cuts-off all connection with his party & acts in an impartial manner. He does not vote in the first instance, but exercises his casting vote only to remove a deadlock.

·         Charges his salary from consolidated Fund of India.

·         Speaker sends his resignation to Deputy-Speaker.

·         The majority of the total membership can remove Speaker after given a 14 days notice. (During this time,he doesn’t preside over the meetings). After his removal, continues in the office till his successor takes charge.
Rajya Sabha
·         Maximum Strength- 250.

·         [Out of these, President nominates 12 amongst persons having special knowledge or practical experience in the fields of literature, science, art and social service].

·         Presently, the Parliament, by law, has provided for 233 seats for the States and the Union Territories. The total membership of Rajya Sabha is thus 245.

·         All the States and the Union Territories of Delhi and Pondicherry are represented in the Rajya Sabha.

·         Representatives of the State are elected by the members of the State Legislative assemblies on the basis of proportional representation through a single transferable vote.[States are represented on the basis of their population].

·         There are no seats reserved for Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes in Rajya Sabha.

·         The candidate must be:

1.     Citizen of India (b) 30 yrs of age

2.     Be a parliamentary elector in the state in which he is seeking election.

3.     Others as prescribed by parliament from time-to-time.

·         The Rajya Sabha MPs are elected for the term of 6 years, as 1/3rd members retire every 2 years.

·         Vice-president is the ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha. He presides over the proceedings of the Rjay Sabha as long as he does not act as the President of India during a vacancy in the office of the President of India.

·         Also a deputy chairman is elected from its members.

·         In Rajya Sabha any bill can originate, apart from money bill (including budget).

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