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271.Outside the thallus of Marchantia there are special structures called
A.     stem tuber
B.     rhizoids
C.    sporangium
D.    none of these

272.The vascular plants are termed as
A.     tracheophytes
B.     bryophytes
C.    pteridophytes
D.    all of these

273.In human beings influenza is caused by
A.     bacteria
B.     protist
C.    virus
D.    fungi

274.In many which phylum the body of an organisms is usually divided in there regions called head, thorax and abdomen
A.     echinodermata
B.     mollusca
C.    nematoda
D.    arthropoda

275.Snails belong to
A.     gastropods
B.     bivalves
C.    arthropods
D.    platyhelminthes

276.Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotory organs called
A.     tube feet
B.     cilia
C.    pseudopodia
D.    flagella

277.Liver fluke is parasite in the liver of
A.     cattle
B.     sheep
C.    goat
D.    all of these

278.In all coelentrates endoderm give rise to
A.     nervous system
B.     digestive system
C.    reproductive system
D.    circulatory system

279.Higher vascular plants are also called
A.     flowering plants
B.     seed plants
C.    ferns
D.    none of these

280.The plants which produce embryo but lack vascular tissues and seeds are placed in
A.     bryophytes
B.     pteridophytes
C.    tracheophytes
D.    all of these

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