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51.   Einstein’s famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is?
A.     E = mc2
B.    E = cm2
C.    M = ec2
D.    M = ce2

52.   The SI unit of electric current is?
A.     Coloumb
B.    Ampere
C.    Volt
D.    Watt

53.   The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?
A.     Oxygen
B.    Carbon
C.    Hydrogen
D.    Nitrogen

54.   What is Dry Ice?
A.     Solid Oxygen
B.    Solid Carbon Dioxide
C.    Solid Hydrogen
D.    Solid Nitrogen

55.   What are the primary colours?
A.     White, Black, Blue
B.    Red, Yellow, Blue
C.    Red, Orange, Blue
D.    Red, Green, Blue

56.   Digestion of food is completed in the __________.
A.     small intestine
B.    large intestine
C.    stomach
D.    Liver

57.   Carrot is good source of Vitamin?
A.     A
B.    B complex
C.    C
D.    D

58.   For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential.
A.     iodine
B.    copper
C.    fluorine
D.    iron

59.   Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth.
A.     zinc
B.    iodine
C.    copper
D.    iron

60.   Meteorology is the study of?
A.     seasons
B.    atmosphere
C.    air and sounds
D.    winds and clouds
51.   A
52.   B
53.   D
54.   B
55.   D
56.   A
57.   A
58.   C
59.   A
60.   B

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