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291.The respiratory problem most common in smokers is
A.     tuberculosis
B.     emphysema
C.    asthma
D.    cancer

292.Water potential of pure water is
A.     zero
B.     one
C.    negative
D.    two

293.Bean shaped cells in plants are
A.     mesophyll cells
B.     xylem cells
C.    phloem cells
D.    guard cells

294.The normal pH of human blood is
A.     6.4
B.     7.0
C.    7.4
D.    7.5

295.Shrinkage of protoplast due to exosmosis of water is
A.     imbibition
B.     plasmolysis
C.    deplasmolysis
D.    adhesion

296.Artherosclerosis is a major condition leading to
A.     heart attack
B.     hypertension
C.    stroke
D.    tumor

297.Villi and microvilli increase
A.     digestion
B.     assimilation
C.    absorption
D.    ingestion

298.Splitting of glucose relates to
A.     respiration
B.     photorespiration
C.    glycolysis
D.    pyruvic acid

299.Reptiles hibernate during
A.     summer
B.     winter
C.    spring
D.    autumn

300.Which of the following plants are called arthrophytes
A.     sphenopsids
B.     lycopsids
C.    psilopsids
D.    pteropsids

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