
G.K Practice set-6

1.       Which country made the worlds first feature film in 1906
ANS - Australia Story of Kelly gang

2.       Where is the worlds largest gold depository
ANS - Federal reserve bank Manhattan

3.       What was Charles Dickens last (unfinished) novel
ANS - Mystery of Edwin Drood

4.       Which sea on Earth has no beaches
ANS - Sargasso sea

5.       Reuben Tice died trying to invent a machine to do what
ANS - Dewrinkle prunes

6.       De Witt Wallace founded what
ANS - Readers Digest

7.       Which country has the smallest birth rate
ANS - Vatican City

8.       Which country was the first to introduce old age pensions
ANS – Germany

9.       Which film star has his statue in Leicester Square
ANS - Charlie Chaplin

10.    Which TV series was narrated by Walter Winchell
ANS - The Untouchables

11.    In which country was Auschwitz
ANS – Poland

12.    On which national flag is there an eagle and a snake
ANS – Mexico

13.    What is a Sam Browne
ANS - Military belt

14.    What is the chemical symbol for tungsten

15.    Who are the two most translated English writers
ANS - Shakespeare – Agatha Christie

16.    Citius Altius Fortius is the motto of what organisation
ANS – Olympic

17.    What was the first manufactured item to be sold on Hire Purchase
ANS - Singer sewing machine in 1850s

                  18. in 1656 Christian Huygens invented what type of timekeeper         

1. According to which article untouchability is abolished and its practice is punishable?

2.  The author of the controversial book ‘Lajja’ is a citizen of which country?

3. Which game is not included in the Olympic Games?

4.  In which direction of flow of stream is controlled by rock structure?

5. Who was the leader of the Indian revolutionary activities in America?

6. Sodium metal is kept under which liquid?

7. Which naturally occurring element in the rice husk makes it termite resistant?

8.  Who administers oath of office to the President?

9.  In which island of India is an active volcano found ?

10. Which Sultan founded a town where now stands Agra?

11. Which first Bank was established in India?

12.  If you scored cannon, which game would you be playing?

13.  How is image formed on the retina of a human eye?

14. The annual variability of rainfall is over 50 percent in which state?

15. Amir Khusarau, the ‘Parrot of India’, was born at which place?

16. Which year has been named International year of Biodiversity by the United Nations?

17. Department of Border Management is a Department of which Union Ministry?

18.  Which music composers was deaf?

19.  On which date the earth is at the least distance from the sun (Perihelion)?

20.  When did the battle which is the story of Mahabharata most probably take place ?

Answer :

1. Article 17 2. Bangladesh 3. Cricket 4. Consequent 5. Lala Hardayal 6. Kerosene 7. Silicon 8. Chief Justice of India 9. Barren Island 10. Sikandar Lodi 11. Bank of Hindustan 12. Billiards 13. Real and inverted 14. Western Rajasthan 15. Patiali 16. 2010 17. Ministry of Home Affairs 18. Beethovan L.V. 19. January 3rd 20. Around 1000 B. C

    ANS - Pendulum clock

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